Get To Know: The Lady Behind 16 Bars

Spokenpriestess wears many hats. She drives the SAHHA nominated Hip Hop show on UJ fm 16Bars RELOADED with Mpho Mfolo, She’s with TinismDotCom Record Label doing Marketing and media liaison. TinismDotcom is home to Ginger Breadman, Ayanda Jiya, J Smallz and Flex Boogie. She is also involved in Africa's first Billboard Top 100 music chart, Afribizcharts, she also loves baking. Talk about Super powerful Women! But she says “I'm just a hard working young lady tryna do better in my life.”

Starting out at Tshwane FM (Top Stereo back then)

“was the best time of my life and the beginning of a blessing I never knew I could possess. I LOVE radio! I just never saw myself involved in it like I am now. It's crazy. Being on air has given me a different outlook on life and I have also reached this level of confidence that I think will come in handy in my life.”

Does your work require you to be hard in order to be taken to heard?

“Look, I'm a girl and always will be, so I don't think I try too hard to prove my femininity. I am a very thick skinned person and I like to be taken seriously so there are certain ways I choose to present myself, especially in industry scenarios. My work is "unf*ckwittable" so who I am never interferes with what I bring to the table. I don't try to be "hard", however I am very strict by nature. This persona allows me to work productively ‘cause some people out here have just got too much time and resources on their hands and no sense of results whatsoever. All in all, my work speaks for me. Feminine, hardcore, shy or whatever I may be, I perform and that's my trademark! 

Let’s talk about Social Media, Rappers, Egos and laziness.

Hahaha. Firstly, I don't like social media but I apparently have no choice in the matter of being on it. Rappers are rappers. Some are funny, others foolish and many take the business of effective brand message portrayal too lightly. But I love the era in which Hip Hop (and music) exists now. Social media is a great tool for accessibility, brand reinforcement, impression management and of course stirring drama! I just think rappers should keep a more tangible presence rather than feeding people dreams about their genuinity. Also, they must remember that as much as one tweets what they like, they are always representatives of their own brand name and will always be held accountable for it.

People don't take their crafts seriously. Doing 16 Bars RELOADED I see how rappers drag their feet in the business element of the music. Simple things like how to submit one's music formally to a radio station is a problem. Egos are the biggest self-mutilators in this game. Big heads, ignorance, pride and misguided perceptions take the progress of Hip Hop as a movement backwards. I could go on and on, but I feel like many things could be done better if every man took full responsibility for who they are and what they do in Hip Hop.

Advice to someone who might wanna step into your shoes?

“You don’t want to be in my shoes” . You'd rather tune yourself and be the best version of yourself that you can offer. Any advice I will give though is to educate yourself, in any way. The more you know about what you want to do, the more confident you will be in taking on the world. Ladies, look after yourselves. It's a cruel world out there and don't think the physical will always be there to use and abuse at your disposal. The world needs beautiful brains and not bootiful blondes. Be happy. It sounds cheesy but being where I've been, being happy is such an underrated commodity. Remember who you are in the realm of everything around you. Don't get lost in the hype.

Precious is a hustler of note. A great personality and she speaks. If you don’t believe us, catch her on UJFM 95.4 every Wednesday evening from 21:00 - 00:00 on #16BarsRELOADED

Follow her on twitter- @spokenpriestess

Remember you can vote for 16BARS Reloaded for the SAHHAs

TheNASHmag Ed
Tania Moeng

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