I always say in a matter of opinion, no one is ever wrong…. Or right. With so much change in the Hip Hop culture, some are more receptive to it than others. What do we think of the current state of the culture? Are people selling out or it’s just a matter of creativity?
We picked the brains of these fellas to share their thoughts on the culture:
Blaqtune - (Music Producer, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Introvert lifestyle Clothing and 2twotwenty Movement Co-founder)
Decoy - (Rapper and brains behind “Sessions in the kitchen”)
Prodigenious - (Rapper and member of The GeniousTouch and Sgandi Hip Hop Movement)
What is "being real to you" and what is "selling out"
BRIAN: When you get to realise the facts and accept who you are. Being able to share your thought and views as well as staying true to your roots as an individual. You stand out and people recognise you for your own identity. That’s being real.
Selling out- well in this case the focus is on accumulating money and giving people what they want in terms of short term period. Following what is on the market and duplicating it then hand it over to your fans. This is gimmicks and it sells a lot.
In most instances I like to put this(Selling out) as jumping from one ship to another whilst saying and giving away ideas of the previous party you were with and play dead afterwards.
How would you define an authentic, real, creative rapper?
BRIAN: First and foremost originality!! The industry is full of copycats and duplicators of trends, music and Artists. A rapper who will bring his personality into his music is a genuine artist. We tend to forget the roots of hip hop and we are stuck in the phase of gimmicks which unfortunately last for a certain period of time.
PRODI: A creative rapper is one with a good lyrical content. They're in most cases story tellers. A creative rapper is like a serial killer, no matter how bumpy the joint is they always leave a trace for you to find out their creativeness.
DECOY: A real authentic, creative in my opinion is someone who walks his own path, someone who's not boxed. It’s a person who can go from "party to a community protest" without losing themselves, someone who people envy and want to copy what he/she does.
Do you think where we are now in the culture defines the future of it and will it elevate it or bring it down?
BRIAN: This goes two ways; the art of music is lost. The essence of hip hop has diverged from our grasp although the platform is now broad for everybody to try. The future is always bright for some of us in the music scene.
DECOY: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Everything has changed; rappers become rappers because they watched music videos of whomever. Rapping is a calling people don't know this. The roots of this culture are half way going to extinction. It's like a child born in a Pedi family but can't speak Pedi. The next two coming generations there won't be that original and authentic Pedi but a diluted language. Hope it makes sense.
PRODI: Every era has had dumb phases! Ours is now, definitely not going to last. 8-12 months from now things will be way too different! People are not fools; they'll call these bubble gum rappers' bluff soon. However we now have a bigger audience, the dumbness will perish (just like crunk did) and we will be elevated. I mean the Kendrick's are selling platinum
What do you think is lacking in the culture, generally
BRIAN: The small things that makes us human and artists namely:
•Creativity (we duplicate a lot nowadays)
•Competence –we have access to do quality music at a reasonable budget these days which is fortunate but the knowledge of making music is still needed in terms of music production and creativity. Artists don’t make justice to their music in terms of the presentation.
•Be professional and make quality music, buy you own beats, build your image and your profile get your music registered and know the terms of the music industry.
PRODI: Bigger platforms for upcoming artists are needed! We need an informed public in general, and also the public participation in choosing which songs to playlist and which ones not to. I mean the majors are paying to get played 4 to 5 times a day, that's why people gravitate to certain artists. I'm real and my realness will get me paid, I think most Motswako dudes are real and they paid.
Do u think most of SA rappers a lazy, lyrically?
BRIAN: Yes, I believe they are lazy to write because all you hear is the same thing from one rapper to another. I think trends limits the creativity because they are mainly focused on periodical based lifestyles and situation. This is the reason why nowadays artists need to release every year because there’s a certain trend which dominates by that present time. The value of music has descended, music is just a number of downloads and a music a dope music video.
DECOY: They're not lazy; the motivation is from a wrong place.
PRODI: I don't think rappers are lazy lyrically. I just think we have too many fans with FL studio and thinking that they are rappers, they flood the streets then we assume rappers are wack kanti nex.
Decoy TheVerbal Scientist (Facebook)
TheNASHmag Ed.
Tania Moeng
Tania Moeng
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