Corner Joint is a record label based in Ga- Rankuwa which is currently holding down the hip hop scene. It was originally started over 2 years ago and has released countless songs that have been in people’s minds for a long time.
TheNASHmag chose to feature Corner Joint simply because they where the first people to show us love from the beginning. CJ is a home for everyone who is in love with hip hop and feels they have to work on something professional.Corner Joint prides itself in their ability to impact and change the hip hop game in Ga- Rankuwa every time they release material. To date, Corner Joint has released 2 mixtapes including the classic “Smash N Grab” which has many copies and continues to be the most sort after mixtape in Ga- rankuwa and making waves all over Pretoria.
The stable has rappers like Sphapha the Sp and CIA who worked in collaboration on the “Smash N Grab”, LJ Lattrel who is fast becoming the most versatile artist on a beat. LJ is featured n tracks like “Baby Khante Keng” recently released in the new slot called “Corner Joint Mobdays. The track is just a dedication to everyone who has ever been in a difficult relationship and looking to make things right, sp is on the second verse of that track.
They also have Dotso, who is a sick motswako rapper and intimidating a lot of rappers who come through to the studio to work on something. Dotso basically has the motswako skill mastered down to the core, he is on two joint on the “Smash N Grab” which are “O wara fela” with Sp and SLK and “Rock the party” with Sp and CIA. There is also the pretty boy of Ga- Rankuwa music, SLK. SLK has leaked a track on Corner Joint Mondays which could possibly be on his upcoming mixtape “Black Art”.
The label will be releasing a joint next Monday which will probably feature Dotso and Tswiki man. These are the 2 motswako rappers who are really re- defining the way motswako should sound. They will leave you in shock, it is really unbelievable how different and grounded they sound.
Corner Joint is a label that always looks to do something different, do something worth remembering and give you music that you can bang everyday. Check out the “Corner Joint Mondays” page to get the link to the joints that have been released so far.
TheNASHmag give Corner Joint a 9/10 for holding it down every week in Ga- Rankuwa.
TheNASHmag Ed.
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