
Article 41: Chasing dreams is a dream when you young and brown.


As a young person in South Africa right now, I can say I have the right to basically do anything I put my mind to. I am free to exercise any resource I have at my disposal. I am free to do anything I please as long as it is legal in the eyes of the law. Recently I was engaged in a short conversation with this other girl on one social network, she asked me what I do for a living and I told her. I then asked her what she does and her response was somewhat amusing to me I said “So what do you do” she replies “I go to school at TUT”, and then I asked “what else do you do other than school, any interests in anything?”

The question confused her and she quickly blew it off with the excuse of not having time for anything else in her life but school. Then it suddenly occurred to me why there are so many unemployed youth in this country. I do not mean to sound like a parent or judgmental or anything, but how will you fit into the world after school? How will you know where to start because at school they can’t teach you hustling? I understand that school is a very important tool in order for any of us to succeed. But varsity only takes about 5 hours out of your 24 hour day. How about instead of relying on the basics you get from school for the coming 3 years when you doing your diploma you try to find out more about what you doing? You go out and start something that will be the fall back for you after you’re finished with school? It’s not that hard to learn on the streets because there is only one basic rule “in the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king”. 

If you always surround yourself with people who are into the same thing you’re into but still be able to go out with or without them to enjoy yourself, then school becomes a bridge you have to cross in order for society to deem you as potentially successful. 

Most people who are very successful are not really influenced by the formalities you have to conform to because it is viewed as acceptable. If you fall into the same pattern as those who came before you then nothing will change. As a young black person in South Africa, making my way in this world I have come to learn that it is not always in education that you find knowledge, it is not always by following the rules that you become successful. Sometimes you just have to break the norm and be vigilant when you do things, you just have to learn to be patient and get at every opportunity you get no matter how small. 

You have to respect everyone’s field of work and criticize where you see fault. Complaining is easy but so is succeeding. Chase your dream with the right mindset will most definatley get you where you need to go quicker and the journey will teach you a lot. 

Don’t go to school and study and then come back home and sit and hope that your diploma will land you that corner office you so desperately wish for. 

Don’t chase a dream that is really a dream. Be proactive and go get your own, time waits for no one.

TheNASHmag Ed.

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