
KALAVEE ENT Hip Hop Documentary

Urban Africa- South Africa

This May,South African hip hop gets a very big opportunity to change the game. KALAVEE ENT will be travelling to South Africa mid May to shoot a doccumentary that aims at exposing and promoting mainstream and underground creatives (artists, producers, dancers etc) to the much bigger UK and European markets. 
The self- funded project will be spearheaded by the award winning UK based Film Company name VeeartMedia. This doccie will be combining all elements of hip hop in hopes of discovering some new fresh talent.
The team will be visiting Durban 18- 21st May & JHB 22nd- 27th May in hoping to find the hidden talent in SA by attending shows in Townships, the cities and anywhere the urban scene is alive, and this means they will be all over spotting talent that resides right in our backyard.

The team working on the "Urban Africa- South Africa" project, are artists themselves and they will be looking to feature SA artists on tracks and music videos which will be shot right here in SA.
However, they will be interviewing some farmiliar faces in the film such as Khuli Chana, Toya Delazy, Trompie, AKA, Blayze, DJ Picasso, 031 Beast, Dynamic and a lot more people who are very keen to be on this doccie. The project will hit major radio stations around the airwaves and updates will be made available on TheNASHmag.
Any recommendations for gig spots, artists etc will be appreciated.

Forward any relevant infor to the following contacts:
E- mail- veeartmedia@live.co.za
Twitter: @VeeDaiArtist

TheNASHmag Ed.
Thapelo Chauque
Follow TheNASHmag's editor Tania:
Tania Moeng (Facebook)

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